Friday, May 22, 2009

FINAL Dr. Appt

I went to my last Dr. appt yesterday. I am dialated to a 3 but I am having virtually NO contractions. Soooo....they scheduled my induction date. It is Wed the 27th at 1:00. Not what I wanted, but that is was I get, so I will take it and run. I will be 4 days overdue!

I want I go into labor on my own, but I'm NOT going to get my hopes up. I am just going to plan on Wednesday, that way my heart doesn't get CRUSHED!!!! Oh the joys of being pregnant :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Birthday Girl is FIVE

Madison had a FANTASTIC birthday yesterday. She turned FIVE years old. I can hardly believe it. She is growing up soooo fast! She got to go to preschool and they had a little party (thanks Mindy). Then we went to Freedom Station and invited several friends. They had a complete blast. She got so many new toys (thanks Garret, Jolie, Brooklyn, Bryant, Lucus, Taylor, and Nana).
Madison is such a great girl. She loves her family, preschool, friends, Nana and Papa, cousins, playing outside, tball, swimming, etc. She is a GREAT girl. We love her so much and we are so happy that Heavenly Father sent her to our family!


Madison is on a T-ball team. They are the Red Sox. She has a fantastic coach and absolutely loves it. She has games twice and week and can hardly wait for the next game. We enjoy going to watch Madison play. It's fun to see the kids growing up, getting friends, playing sports, etc...

Gavin can't hardly stand that Madison gets to play tball and he doesn't. He informs us that he is 4 years old and Madison is 3, so he gets to play tball and Madison can just watch!!! LOL. He is quite the little character, but it will be his turn soon enough!

Madison batting.

Warming up
Walking in from playing 1st base!


For Easter, I got JC and the family Diamondbacks tickets. They played the Washington Nationals. I have never been to Chase Field. It was much more fun than I even expected. GREAT atmosphere, relaxing, and quality family time!!! We will definitely go AGAIN ;)

Trying to catch HR during batting practice.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Appt. TAKE TWO

So today I told the Dr. to please just flatter me and say I am at a half, so I feel like I'm progressing. She said that she's not so good at lying but she will do her best. Then she got a smile and said, "I don't even have to are dialated to a "................................................


For me, this is SUPER good. With my other two kids I wasn't even dialated until I actually went into labor. So I'm excited to know that maybe my body finally knows what to do!!!! LOL