Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Appt. TAKE TWO

So today I told the Dr. to please just flatter me and say I am at a half, so I feel like I'm progressing. She said that she's not so good at lying but she will do her best. Then she got a smile and said, "I don't even have to are dialated to a "................................................


For me, this is SUPER good. With my other two kids I wasn't even dialated until I actually went into labor. So I'm excited to know that maybe my body finally knows what to do!!!! LOL


LeVander Family said...

I got checked one week with Ryland and they told me I was dialated to a 1 and then the next week I went in and they said "well you're almost a 1" do they know to write down what they told you the week before? That was messed up!

Adam & Rachel said...

Hey....progress is good. I'm sure you're baby will be here before you know it. Good luck with everything!

Unknown said...

how many more weeks....2...crazy, im so excited for you! i hope everything goes good for you!