Saturday, February 13, 2010

1000 hours and counting...

JC got 1000 PIC hours yesterday. This is a HUGE milestone for pilots. We are so excited for this accomplishment! I got Jc and custom knife, harlem globetrotter tickets, and a golfing gift certificate! GO BABE :)


Elizabeth said...

Thats awesome!!! Good for him:)

The Burtons said...

Congratulations to JC. I don't know anything about helicopter stuff, but we are happy for him!

P.S. Gavin was so cute today! I'm glad he was able to stay with JC for the rest of the time. That stuff is scary. I was even a little nervous just telling Sam what to say for his talk!

Melissa said...

way to go JC! I'll pass the word along to WInslow for the run I think that would be awesome!!

Jason and Jennifer Bryce said...

Jason is still working on his 1000 hours PIC time! It is alot of work. Good job JC!